Lauren McMeikan Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, are OCD Specialists living with OCD. Their dual perspectives bring a unique and comprehensive vantage point to their discussions about OCD treatment. Live participation is welcomed weekly on Instagram Live, as Kelley and Lauren cover all things OCD, one subtype at a time. Join them as they bring a little humor and a lot of heart to the realm of OCD recovery.
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Harm OCD, Part II
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
This week on Purely OCD, Lauren Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, continue their discussion on Harm OCD, with a focus on compulsions. To start, Lauren and Kelley discuss mental compulsions - like mental review and rumination. Next, they cover overt compulsions - like physical tapping and folding your arms to make sure you don't accidentally shove someone off a ledge. Following this, the cover avoidance - which can look like anything from avoiding cooking to avoiding holding your child. Next, they consider reassurance seeking in this subtype and how compulsive confession can look. Lastly, they discuss why compulsions are a problem - generally and specifically within the examples given.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Special Guest Shaun Flores
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
On this episode of Purely OCD Lauren Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, are joined with a special guest Shaun Flores who is a mental health advocate who shares with us his journey with OCD. Shaun has made it his mission to spread awareness about OCD. Shaun is an International OCD Foundation advocate, TEDx speaker and a powerful influence in the mental health community. It was such an honor to have him on as our guest today.
Monday Mar 06, 2023
With Special Guest Dr. Patrick McGrath
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
This week, Lauren Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, are joined by Dr. Patrick McGrath. Dr. McGrath is the Chief Clinical Officer at NOCD and the former Director of the Center for Anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD) and the Co-Director of the School Anxiety and School Refusal Program at AMITA Health Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. He offers a wealth of insight and knowledge. We hope you enjoy learning from him.
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Harm OCD, Part I
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
On this week’s episode of Purely OCD, Lauren and Kelley explore harm obsessions in this multiple part series. In part 1 of the series, the two identify intrusive thoughts that commonly present for those living with this particular sub-type of OCD. First they explain what harm OCD is and how harm obsessions can be categorized through violent intrusive thoughts, moral OCD, Postpartum OCD, contamination OCD and many others. Next they dive deeper into “traditional harm” obsessions and triggers. Lastly, they briefly touch on intrusive images, sensations and “urges” that often times come up with this subtype.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Confessing as Compulsion
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
On this week's episode of Purely OCD, Kelley and Lauren discuss sneaky reassurance seeking in the form of confession. First they discuss how to tell if it's becoming a problem. Next they consider how it can show up with different themes including Relationship OCD, Sexual Orientation OCD, Religious Scrupulosity and Moral Scrupulosity. Lastly, they briefly touch on how to deal with the anxiety that arises as a result of choosing to refrain from confessing compulsively. Join them as they record live next Monday on Youtube at 12:30 PM PT.
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Getting Support without Compulsing
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
This week on Purely OCD, Lauren and Kelley discuss how to get support from a loved one without it becoming compulsive. To start, they cover the reasons why asking for reassurance can be so problematic. Next, they discuss the "how" of asking for support without seeking reassurance. In addition, they talk about the importance of taking care of your support system, as compulsive reassurance often puts a tremendous strain on relationships. They also consider the importance of knowing who to disclose information to and set the record straight about reassurance (not all reassurance is bad)! Lastly, they cover types of language to use for those who are in the supporter role.
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Exposure and Response Prevention
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Today on Purely OCD podcast, Lauren Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, talk about Exposure and Response Prevention in the treatment of OCD. They discuss different types of exposures and how to practice not engaging in compulsions (or response prevention). You can check out prior podcast episodes to learn more about specific types of compulsions and how exposure and response prevention can be applied with different OCD subtypes.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Overt Compulsions
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
In today’s episode Purely OCD, Lauren Rosen, LMFT, and Kelley Franke, LMFT, talk about different types of overt, or observable, compulsions that commonly present in OCD. They also briefly cover ways you can combat compulsions in the face of fear. Check out Purely OCD’s new Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter Accounts.
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Perfectionism and OCD
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
In today’s episode, Kelley Franke, LMFT, and Lauren Rosen, LMFT talk about perfectionism in OCD. They talk about how perfection can be such an alluring idea this time of year, but how it can also rob us of our present moment experiences. We hope you embrace the entirety of your experience, warts, intrusive thoughts and all this holiday season.
Check out @purely_ocd where we will be sharing more come 2023. ❤️
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Real OCD
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Today on the purely ocd podcast, in honor of ocd awareness week, Kelley Franke, LMFT, and Lauren Rosen, LMFT, discuss their own journeys with OCD. But first- they discuss the first national campaign promoting OCD Awareness, directed by Ethan Smith and featuring a whole slew of advocates including Rev. Katie O'Dunne, Sean Shinnock Tia Wilson Uma Chatterjee and Kelley Franke herself. As a part of the awareness campaign, Biohaven also asked a number of advocates to share their stories. You can find both Kelley and Lauren’s on biohaven’s website: https://ocdtrials.com/what-if/.
In the episode, Kelley talks about her experience with separation anxiety as a child and how it morphed over the years into Harm OCD. Lauren shares about her early years with Existential OCD and how Moral Scrupulosity finally got her a diagnosis and correct treatment.
Please note: Kelley and Lauren do not endorse any medication in their capacity as psychotherapists or advocates. If you are interested in medication, you should speak with your physician. That said, Kelley and Lauren support the research being done and are all about helping to spread the word about what real OCD is and are so grateful to be a part of this campaign to promote awareness 🤍☺️